Battling against water Pokemon can be tricky because there are so many of them — in fact, there are more water type Pokemon than any other type! That makes for a lot of different battle strategies!
And, water typing has now been paired with every other type which further complicates their weaknesses and resistances.

Water type Pokemon are weak to:
Use attacks of these types to deal double damage against water types. It's super effective!

These types resist water type attacks:
Use Pokemon of these types to take half damage from an opponent's water type attacks. It's not very effective.

Great Pokemon to use against water types:
These Pokemon learn super effective attacks or have useful resistances (or both!)
Venusaur (grass / poison)
Serperior (grass)
Sceptile (grass)
Magneton (electric / steel)
Lanturn (electric / water)
Luxray (electric)
Read more: The ULTIMATE Pokemon Type Weakness Guide
Good attacks to use against water type Pokemon:
Thunderbolt (electric)
Discharge (electric)
Thunder punch (electric)
Leaf storm (grass)
Seed bomb (grass)
Energy ball (grass)
What's good against..?
bug | dark | dragon | electric | fairy | fighting | fire | flying | ghost | grass | ground | ice | normal | poison | psychic | rock | steel | water