If you want to add the best legendary bug type Pokemon to your team, look no further! These legendary & Ultra Beast Pokemon have some of the best stats, move pools & abilities of all bug types which allow them to thrive in competitive battling and general game-play.
3. Buzzwole
This Ultra Beast Pokemon appeared from another world. Buzzwole shows off its body, but whether that display is a boast or a threat remains unclear.
Good attacks for Buzzwole: hammer arm, earthquake, ice punch, drain punch, bulk up, roost, toxic
2. Pheromosa
One of the dangerous Ultra Beast Pokemon, Pheromosa has been spotted running across the land at terrific speeds.
Good attacks for Pheromosa: low kick, U-turn, ice beam, throat chop, poison jab, high jump kick, drill run
1. Genesect
Genesect is an ancient bug Pokémon who was altered by Team Plasma. They upgraded the cannon on its back with the latest technology.
Good attacks for Genesect: U-turn, iron head, extreme speed, explosion, flamethrower
Best Legendary Pokemon by type
bug | dark | dragon | electric | fairy | fighting | fire | flying | ghost | grass | ground | ice | normal | poison | psychic | rock | steel | water
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