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Kanto Pokemon List - All Pokemon from Generation 1

720 - 5/15

🎵 "There's 150, or more to see!" 🎶 — the line from the original theme song that contained so much intrigue and mystery, launching more than 20 years of discovering and catching new Pokemon pals!

Kanto is the first Pokemon region and home to 151 species ranging from #001, Bulbasaur, to #151, Mew.

Scroll down for the complete list of Kanto Pokemon.


#001 - Bulbasaur

#002 - Ivysaur

#003 - Venusaur

#004 - Charmander

#005 - Charmeleon

#006 - Charizard

#007 - Squirtle

#008 - Wartortle

#009 - Blastoise

#010 - Caterpie

#011 - Metapod

#012 - Butterfree

#013 - Weedle

#014 - Kakuna

#015 - Beedrill

#016 - Pidgey

#017 - Pidgeotto

#018 - Pidgeot

#019 - Rattata

#020 - Raticate

#021 - Spearow

#022 - Fearow

#023 - Ekans

#024 - Arbok

#025 - Pikachu

#026 - Raichu

#027 - Sandshrew

#028 - Sandslash

#029 - Nidoran♀

#030 - Nidorina

#031 - Nidoqueen

#032 - Nidoran♂

#033 - Nidorino

#034 - Nidoking

#035 - Clefairy

#036 - Clefable

#037 - Vulpix

#038 - Ninetales

#039 - Jigglypuff

#040 - Wigglytuff

#041 - Zubat

#042 - Golbat

#043 - Oddish

#044 - Gloom

#045 - Vileplume

#046 - Paras

#047 - Parasect

#048 - Venonat

#049 - Venomoth

#050 - Diglett

#051 - Dugtrio

#052 - Meowth

#053 - Persian

#054 - Psyduck

#055 - Golduck

#056 - Mankey

#057 - Primeape

#058 - Growlithe

#059 - Arcanine

#060 - Poliwag

#061 - Poliwhirl

#062 - Poliwrath

#063 - Abra

#064 - Kadabra

#065 - Alakazam

#066 - Machop

#067 - Machoke

#068 - Machamp

#069 - Bellsprout

#070 - Weepinbell

#071 - Victreebel

#072 - Tentacool

#073 - Tentacruel

#074 - Geodude

#075 - Graveler

#076 - Golem

#077 - Ponyta

#078 - Rapidash

#079 - Slowpoke

#080 - Slowbro

#081 - Magnemite

#082 - Magneton

#083 - Farfetch'd

#084 - Doduo

#085 - Dodrio

#086 - Seel

#087 - Dewgong

#088 - Grimer

#089 - Muk

#090 - Shellder

#091 - Cloyster

#092 - Gastly

#093 - Haunter

#094 - Gengar

#095 - Onix

#096 - Drowzee

#097 - Hypno

#098 - Krabby

#099 - Kingler

#100 - Voltorb

#101 - Electrode

#102 - Exeggcute

#103 - Exeggutor

#104 - Cubone

#105 - Marowak

#106 - Hitmonlee

#107 - Hitmonchan

#108 - Lickitung

#109 - Koffing

#110 - Weezing

#111 - Rhyhorn

#112 - Rhydon

#113 - Chansey

#114 - Tangela

#115 - Kangaskhan

#116 - Horsea

#117 - Seadra

#118 - Goldeen

#119 - Seaking

#120 - Staryu

#121 - Starmie

#122 - Mr. Mime

#123 - Scyther

#124 - Jynx

#125 - Electabuzz

#126 - Magmar

#127 - Pinsir

#128 - Tauros

#129 - Magikarp

#130 - Gyarados

#131 - Lapras

#132 - Ditto

#133 - Eevee

#134 - Vaporeon

#135 - Jolteon

#136 - Flareon

#137 - Porygon

#138 - Omanyte

#139 - Omastar

#140 - Kabuto

#141 - Kabutops

#142 - Aerodactyl

#143 - Snorlax

#144 - Articuno

#145 - Zapdos

#146 - Moltres

#147 - Dratini

#148 - Dragonair

#149 - Dragonite

#150 - Mewtwo

#151 - Mew

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